Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 3, Thing 7

The next thing is to post anything technology related so here it goes. Now that I have played with flickr and figured out on my own (I am very proud of myself) how to link flickr to my blog. I am wondering why sometimes the text that I posted with my picture shows and sometimes it doesn't? Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a way to fix it so that the text shows all the time? I can understand why so many people out there use flickr, I was surprised by all the cool things you could create and how easy it really is. I can't wait to learn more!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Family

My Family
Originally uploaded by nicoletoddmclain
OKay I now figured out the setting to link my flickr account to my blog. Now I can add photos from one account to the other. It took me a few minutes to set it up. I had a little problem with Google because I had to activiate my blog account and wait for Google to email me but once I got past that it was simple. So here is a picture of my family.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Week 3, Thing 6

Tonight I took some time to explore flickr. I really got into playing around with all the differnt things you can create with your photos. I even made a photo calendar, a bill board sign and a movie poster with photos I downloaded! I also explored some of the 3rd party sights. It was fun to see all the differnt things flickr offers but I can't see me actually using it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Wedding Day 05/26/07

This is the first pic I have posted to my blog but I found it to be very easy to do!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 3, Thing 5

Okay I know I have not been posting things each week but it is hard finding the time to read the material and then it is hard finding time to complete the tasks. Today I promised myself I was going to sit down and really work on this so today I registered my blog, played with Flickr, created a flickr account and starting using the 23 things tracking log. I think I am starting to really enjoy this program, I just wish I had more time to devote to it!